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미국법자문사 기업자문
- Columbia Law School, J.D., 2016
- Georgetown University, B.A, 2012
- HD Hyundai Marine Solution Co., Ltd., a leading global vessel aftermarket solution provider, in connection with its US$545 million global offering and listing on the Korea Exchange. J.P. Morgan, UBS and KB Securities acted as the joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners.
- Kakao Corp. in connection with its offering of US$212.2 million 2.625% convertible bonds.
- BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Crédit Agricole and J.P. Morgan in connection with the offering of US$500 million 5.750% senior unsecured notes by Hyundai Card.
- Korea Investment & Securities, Mirae Asset, Credit Suisse, NH Investment & Securities, KB Securities and UBS as underwriters in connection with US$317 million initial public offering and listing on the Korea Exchange of Doosan Robotics, a leading global collaborative robot manufacturer.
- BofA Securities, The Korea Development Bank and Standard Chartered Bank as joint lead managers in connection with Doosan Enerbility Co., Ltd.’s standalone issuance of US$300 Million 5.500% Guaranteed Senior Unsecured Green Notes due 2026.
- Deal counsel on the establishment of Korea Ocean Business Corporation’s US$5 billion MTN program and its debut issuance of US$300 million senior unsecured notes under the program.
- L&F Co., Ltd. in connection with its debut issuance of US$500 million 2.50% convertible bonds due 2030.
- Hanwha Energy USA Holdings Corporation in its offering of US$300,000,000 4.125% Guaranteed Senior Unsecured Green Notes due 2025 Guaranteed by The Export-Import Bank of Korea.
- Deal counsel on the update of Busan Bank's US$2 billion MTN program.
- Deal counsel on the update of Hana Bank's US$10 billion GMTN program and issuance of US$600 million sustainability bonds due 2027 under the program.
- Deal counsel on the update of Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.'s US$10 billion GMTN program and issuance of dual-tranche bonds totaling US$700 million under the program.
- HSBC and Mizuho Securities as the joint lead managers in connection with Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.’s issuance of CNY700 million 3.2% notes due 2024 under the GMTN program.
- Deal counsel on the update of Hana Bank's US$10 billion GMTN program and issuance of US$600 million sustainability bonds due 2026 under the program.
- Hyundai Heavy Industries in connection with its US$923 million initial public offering on the Korea Exchange.
- KakaoBank in connection with its US$2.2 billion initial public offering on the Korea Exchange.
- Credit Agricole CIB as the sold lead manager in connection with Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.’s issuance of CNY600 million 3.55% notes due 2023 under the GMTN program.*
- A consortium of banks as joint lead managers on the Republic of Korea’s U.S. dollar-denominated and Euro-denominated dual-tranche bond issuance under the Republic's U.S. SEC-registered bond program.*
- A consortium of banks as joint lead managers on the Republic of Indonesia's US$4.3 billion three-tranche bond issuance under the Republic's U.S. SEC-registered bond program.*
- A consortium of banks as joint lead managers on the update of Export-Import Bank of India's US$10 billion GMTN program and issuance of US$1 billion 10-year notes under the program.*
- Citi, Credit Agricole CIB, KDB and Standard Chartered as the joint lead managers in connection with Hanwha Energy USA Holdings Corporation’s 144A/Reg S Green Bond offering of US$300 million aggregate principal amount of 2.375% Guaranteed Senior Unsecured Green Notes.*
- China Grand Automotive Services Group Co., Ltd. as the parent guarantor in its offer to exchange US$400 million aggregate principal amount of 8.75% Senior Perpetual Securities and US$300 million aggregate principal amount of 7.90% Senior Notes due 2020 issued by Baoxin Auto Finance I Limited for US$83,335,000 8.885% Senior Notes due 2021 and US$77,856,000 8.625% Senior Notes due 2022.*
- Health and Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Limited in its offering of US$300 million aggregate principal amount of 5.625% Senior Notes due 2024.*
- Credit Suisse AG as the sole lead manager in connection with Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.’s issuance of CHF300 million 0.2600% notes due 2025 under the GMTN program.*
*Matter handled prior to joining the firm.
- 폴 헤이스팅스, LG CNS의 미화 8억 2천3백만 달러 규모의 IPO 및 한국거래소 상장에 대해 자문 - February 5th, 2025
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 현대캐피탈서비스㈜의 미화 5억 달러 규모의 Senior Bonds 발행에 대해 자문 - February 5th, 2025
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 하나은행의 5억 유로 규모의 Sustainability Covered Bonds 발행에 대해 자문 - February 5th, 2025
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 시프트업의 미화 3억 1500만 달러 규모 IPO 및 한국거래소 상장 자문 - July 16th, 2024
- 폴 헤이스팅스, HD현대마린솔루션의 미화 5억 4,500만 달러 규모 IPO 및 한국거래소 상장 자문 - May 10th, 2024
- 폴 헤이스팅스, ㈜카카오의 전환사채 발행 자문 - May 7th, 2024
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 한국해양진흥공사의 6억 달러 규모 듀얼트랜치(Dual-Tranche) 채권 발행 자문 - May 7th, 2024
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 하나은행의 6억 달러 규모 듀얼트랜치(Dual-Tranche) 지속가능채권 발행 자문 - May 6th, 2024
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 현대카드의 5억 달러 규모 채권 발행 자문 - May 6th, 2024
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 두산로보틱스의 미화 3억 1,700만 달러 기업공개(IPO) 및 한국거래소 상장과 관련하여 주관사단 자문 - October 6th, 2023
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 두산에너빌리티의 미화 3억 달러 그린본드 발행과 관련하여 주관사단에 자문 제공 - July 21st, 2023
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 하나은행의 6억 유로 중소기업 역량강화 소셜커버드본드 발행 자문 - May 16th, 2023
- 폴 헤이스팅스, 한국해양진흥공사의 3억 달러 선순위 무담보 채권 발행 자문 - May 12th, 2023
- 한화에너지USA홀딩스, 미화 3억 달러 선순위 그린본드 발행 - July 6th, 2022
- 하나은행, 6억 달러 선순위 무담보 지속가능채권 발행 완료 - April 7th, 2022
- 현대캐피탈, 총 7억 달러 규모의 듀얼 트랜치 채권 발행 - February 22nd, 2022
- 현대중공업, 9억2300만 달러 IPO 및 한국거래소 상장 완료 - September 17th, 2021
- 현대캐피탈, 딤섬본드 발행 - August 16th, 2021
- 한화시스템, 글로벌 인공위성기업 원웹(OneWeb)에 3억 달러 투자 - August 13th, 2021
- HK이노엔, 5억 2,300만 달러 IPO 및 한국거래소 상장 - August 9th, 2021