Affordable Housing and Tax Credits
Affordable housing developments serve a vital function in society, helping to ensure families with limited economic means have a safe place to live. In today’s uncertain environment, the need for such housing has only grown – as have the challenges clients face in advancing projects from the drawing board to the construction site to occupancy. We can help.
Helping Clients Move their Projects Forward
We advise clients on the tax structuring, financing, and development of affordable housing and related community development projects throughout the U.S. We help our clients overcome challenges and keep their projects moving forward.
Our team brings together lawyers from the firm’s Real Estate, Finance, and Tax Advisory practices. We also draw on our colleagues in the Corporate, Environmental, Land Use, and Litigation practices, as necessary, to address our clients’ needs.
Deep Tax Law Experience
We have decades of experience structuring projects to best utilize the low-income housing tax credit and other federal, state, and local affordable housing programs.
Our lawyers have handled all types of tax-driven real estate investments, including historic rehabilitation tax credit transactions, and have helped establish innovative syndications for investment in affordable housing programs.
Our broad affordable housing experience includes representing clients on all sides of transactions, including U.S. and international developers, as well as lenders, syndicators, and equity investors.
Client Alert
Treasury Issues Proposed Regulations on the Definition of “Energy Property” and Rules Applicable to the...
January 11, 2024
Client Alert
Treasury Issues Long-Awaited Wage and Apprenticeship Regulations for Energy Tax Credits
September 11, 2023
Client Alert
Treasury and IRS Provide Guidance on Energy Tax Credit Direct Payment Elections
July 24, 2023
Client Alert
Treasury and IRS Issue Long-Awaited Guidance on Energy Tax Credit Transfers
June 27, 2023
Client Alert
IRS Provides Initial Guidance on Code Section 48C Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit
April 19, 2023
Client Alert
IRS Publishes Initial Tax Credit Guidance on Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements
December 01, 2022
Client Alert
Treasury Issues Final Guidance on Housing Tax Credit Income Averaging Rule; IRS Extends Deadlines
October 10, 2022

Partner, Tax Department

Associate, Real Estate Department