Quicorp Acquired by InRetail Perú
January 29, 2018
New York – Paul Hastings LLP, a leading global law firm, announced today that it advised Quicorp SA, parent company of Química Suiza, and the largest private healthcare company in Peru in its acquisition by InRetail Perú, a leading multi-format retailer in Latin America. The $583 million equity acquisition is being funded through a mix of bridge loan financing and third-party equity, and closed on January 26.
Quicorp is a leading pharmaceutical distributor and retailer in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia and operates in the manufacturing, distribution and retail pharma segments. The company has over 1,000 retail pharmacies, including the Mifarma, BTL and Fasa chains.

Quicorp has operations in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia.
The Paul Hastings team was led by partner Robert Leung, and also included partner Mike Huang, of counsel Russell Franklin, associate Stephanie Rohlfs and foreign associate Nicolas Benvenuto.
At Paul Hastings, our purpose is clear — to help our clients and people navigate new paths to growth. With a strong presence throughout Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the U.S., Paul Hastings is recognized as one of the world’s most innovative global law firms.