Paul Hastings Receives Top Mid-Year Rankings in Bloomberg 2013 Global Legal Adviser League Tables
July 16, 2013
New York, NY -- Paul Hastings LLP, a leading global law firm, announced today that that the firm received top rankings for its global capital markets activity for the first half of 2013, in Bloomberg’s global legal adviser league tables.
The firm was ranked second in SGX Equity IPO Issuer Advisors by volume and by deal count.
Additionally, the firm received the following rankings:
Top 10 in Asia ex-Japan Equity IPO Issuer Advisers by volume
Top 15 by Asia ex-Japan Equity IPO Manager Advisers by volume and deal count
Top 20 for US High Yield Manager Advisers by volume and by deal count
Top 20 for Euromarket High Yield ex-Em Manager Advisers by deal volume
Top 20 for Global Equity IPO Manager Advisers by volume and by deal count
Paul Hastings LLP is a leading global law firm with offices in Asia, Europe, and the United States. We provide innovative legal solutions to financial institutions and Fortune 500 companies. Please visit for more information.