Paul Hastings Advises John Muir Health on the Formation of New Specialty Division of John Muir Physician Network
December 02, 2013
Los Angeles, CA -- Paul Hastings LLP, a leading global law firm, announced today that the firm represented John Muir Health and John Muir Physician Network (the “Network”) in the formation of the Network’s new specialty division in Northern California. The launch of the new specialty division was comprised of three transactions with three separate cardiology practices, including Cor Cardiovascular Specialists, Inc., Arrhythmia Specialists, Inc., and Walter T. Savage, M.D., Inc. (collectively, the “Cardiology Groups”). The transactions also involved the Network and the Cardiology Groups entering into long term professional services agreements pursuant to which the Network agreed to provide various management and administrative services on behalf of the Cardiology Groups, and the Cardiology Groups agreed to provide professional medical services exclusively on behalf of the Network. The transactions closed between September 1 and November 15, 2013.
Healthcare partner Jim Owens and associate Josh Hill led the Paul Hastings team.
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