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Caveat Vendor

June 05, 2019
Federal Court Delivers Stinging Rebuke to Justice Department, Declaring Wire Act Applies Only to SportsBehnam Dayanim and Reade Jacob

May 14, 2018
Supreme Court Opens Door To State-Authorized Sports Betting In Far-Reaching OpinionBehnam Dayanim

July 14, 2017
Apple Opens New Data Center in China to Comply with the PRC’s New Cybersecurity LawQuinn Dang

February 15, 2017
5-Hour Energy: Harbinger of Increased State Activism in the Age Of Trump?Sabin Chung
Our blog, Caveat Vendor, focuses on false advertising and consumer deception; social media issues; consumer financial services; affiliate, telemarketing, and other marketing activities; and gaming, promotions, and sweepstakes. Our lawyers comment on noteworthy developments in class and other litigation, in Congress, at the FTC and other federal agencies, and with state attorneys general.