
Benefits Bulletin

WageWorks Commuter Program

September 11, 2017

Benefits Team

Your transit bus card/pass may expire. Remember to register your card/pass with your local transit agency. Most have an on-line registration process. WageWorks and Paul Hastings have no jurisdiction over the local transit companies and are not made aware of changes to their policies.

Pre-Tax Deductions

Did you know that your transit/parking deductions are pre-tax if you enroll in WageWorks? This means your take home pay is increased.  Through WageWorks, you can access an online system to choose your transit pass, debit card, and/or commuter parking provider. You can cancel or make changes at any time by going to the WageWorks website.

Any transit/commute election changes or cancellations must be completed by the 10th of each month by 11:59 pm EST.


If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact WageWorks Customer Service Team at 1-877-924-3967 or Benefits-Firmwide at 801-5014.