
Attorney Authored

The Fifth Element? A New Look At The CMS ‘Four-Part Test’

November 17, 2021

Laura Skinner, BJ D'Avella, and Ravneet Talwar

Given the US government's continued interest in service fees paid to PBMs, sponsors would be wise to ensure that such fees are not contingent upon the volume or value of referrals or other business.

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This article appeared in the Pink Sheet - Informa Pharma Intelligence.


Image: BJ D'Avella
BJ D'Avella

Group Leader, Life Sciences Consulting Group

Image: Laura A. Skinner
Laura A. Skinner

Managing Director, Life Sciences Consulting Group

Practice Areas

Life Sciences and Healthcare

Life Sciences and Healthcare Consulting Group

For More Information

Image: BJ D'Avella
BJ D'Avella

Group Leader, Life Sciences Consulting Group

Image: Laura A. Skinner
Laura A. Skinner

Managing Director, Life Sciences Consulting Group