Advice for Businesses in Dealing with the Expanding Coronavirus Events
Covid-19 Briefing: Webinar
March 22, 2020
PH COVID-19 Task Force
What Your Company Needs To Know Now About The COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place and Business Closure Orders
On Saturday, March 21, at 9 am PDT/Noon EDT, a team of Paul Hastings attorneys hosted a complimentary telephone conference addressing how businesses should respond to COVID-19-related directives ordering closures of business beyond critical essential infrastructure sectors. Topics included: what constitutes an Essential Business, what is meant by Minimum Basic Operations, State and local law enforcement and prosecution efforts and trends, and safe passage and business comfort letters.
Click here to view the slide presentation.
We have also created a web hub to help our clients stay up to date on the latest insights from our attorneys, as well as other useful information and resources related to the Coronavirus. You can access our microsite here.

Robert P. Silvers
Partner, Paul Hastings

Brad Newman
Partner, Paul Hastings

Ryan Derry
Partner, Paul Hastings