
Paul Hastings Named 2022 Compliance “Practice Group of the Year” by Law360

February 14, 2023

Paul Hastings LLP has been profiled by Law360 as a 2022 Compliance “Practice Group of the Year.”

The profile noted the firm’s role in handling some of the most high-profile compliance cases of 2022, including its representation of German software giant SAP SE. Law360 also highlighted Paul Hastings’ work helping European technology company ABB Ltd. resolve long-running international anti-corruption investigations into the business’ dealings in South Africa. The DOJ hailed the ABB resolution as a best-in-class approach to compliance, and ABB’s cooperation and compliance efforts with U.S. authorities’ investigation as “extraordinary.” The Paul Hastings team also notably served as international coordinating counsel for Credit Suisse in its navigation of U.S. and European authorities’ long-running probe into its role in a $2 billion corruption scandal involving tainted bonds and kickbacks for development projects in Mozambique. Paul Hastings is also noted for its representation on two of the most prominent redlining cases in recent history. The firm represented Trident Mortgage in a historic settlement ending accusations of illegal redlining.

About Paul Hastings

With widely recognized elite teams in finance, mergers & acquisitions, private equity, restructuring and special situations, litigation, employment and real estate, Paul Hastings is a premier law firm providing superior intellectual capital and execution globally to the world’s leading investment banks, asset managers and corporations.