Virtual 21st Annual Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Compliance Congress: Mini Summit XXVI
Friday, November 06 10:00 AM EST to 11:00 AM EST
Virtual Conference
PCF’s annual International Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress is one of the premier events for compliance and legal professionals in the bio/pharma industry worldwide. This year, Global Chair of the Life Sciences Department and one of the Vice-Chairs of the Investigations and White Collar Department, Gary Giampetruzzi will participate on a panel focusing on managing communication issues and leadership during a crisis or an emerging post-crisis environment.
Mini Summit XXVI: Managing Communication Issues and Leadership during a Crisis or an Emerging Post-Crisis Environment
Ethics & Compliance Leaders address workforce stress during and post a crisis to:
Ensure the right messages aren’t distorted as the business is under pressure to resume operations.
Ensure a risk assessor is at the virtual table and that ethics & compliance leaders are aligned with emerging risk?
Guard against reputational risk and ensure everyone plays the role of risk manager?
Share the best means of communicating across, up, and down the org chart?
Reach team members in an overstimulated virtual world with less personal interactions.
Effectively communicate ethical expectations in a virtual environment and discuss difficult issues without putting someone on the defensive?
Gary F. Giampetruzzi, Esq.
Partner, Paul Hastings; Former Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, Head of Government Investigations, Pfizer; New York, NYHollie K. Foust, JD
Senior Vice President, Legal and Compliance, Cardinal Health; Dublin, OHJill Mason, JD
Chief Compliance Officer, Orthofix; Former Senior Global Compliance Director, St. Jude Medical; Dallas, TXKristin Mykulak, JD
Assistant General Counsel, Litigation & Compliance, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Princeton, NJRichard T. Bistrong, MA
Chief Executive Officer, Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC Contributing Editor, FCPA Blog; Former Confidential Human Source (CHS) and Cooperating Witness, FBI and US DOJ; Former Cooperating Witness, City of London Police, HMRC and CPS, UK; New York, NY (Moderator)
For more information and to register, click here to visit the conference website.