Virtual 21st Annual Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Compliance Congress: Mini Summit VIII
Wednesday, November 04 11:15 AM EST to 12:15 PM EST
Virtual Conference
PCF’s annual International Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress is one of the premier events for compliance and legal professionals in the bio/pharma industry worldwide. This year, Life Sciences Consulting Group Leaders, BJ D’Avella will participate on a panel focusing on compliance considerations for rare and ultra-rare drugs.
Mini Summit VIII: Compliance Considerations for Rare and Ultra Rare Drugs
Join the discussion on key compliance considerations for rare and ultra-rare products related to the following areas:
Disease State Education
Patient Interactions
HCP Engagement
Medical/Commercial Interactions
BJ D’Avella, MBA
Leader, Life Sciences Consulting Group, Paul Hastings, New York, NY (Moderator)
Terra Buckley, JD
Vice President, Head of Global Compliance, Mesoblast Limited; Former Executive Director, Head of the Business Advisory Center of Excellence, US Healthcare Compliance, Celgene; New York, NYMark P. Graves, JD, MBA
Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, MiMedx Group; Former Senior Director, Office of Ethics and Compliance, Abbott Laboratories; Former Deputy Ethics & Compliance Officer, Takeda Pharmaceuticals; Marietta, GAGregory S. Moss, LLB
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Chief Compliance Officer, Kadmon Holdings, New York, NYJennifer Santos, JD
Senior Director, R&D Business Partner, Office of Business Integrity & Ethics, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Boston, MA
For more information and to register, click here to visit the conference website.