
Speaking Engagement

USC Gould School of Law 2009 Intellectual Property Institute

Wednesday, March 18 05:00 AM GMT to 05:00 AM GMT

Terry Garnett will be on a panel at the USC Gould School of Law 2009 Intellectual Property Institute. The event will take place on March 17, 2009 at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, California.

Terry will be part of a panel discussion on "Licensing Practices: What has the Court Done to Your Agreements?" Previous licensing strategies may not work for your client in the current legal environment. Should existing agreements be re-negotiated and revised? Should future agreements use different standard language than those used in the past?  This panel will provide a practical and strategic approach to various hot patent licensing issues, especially in the wake of such recent Supreme Court cases as Quanta Computer, eBay and Medimmune.

For more information and to register for this event go to http://law.usc.edu/cle/ip