US FCPA and Global Anticorruption Update for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device
Thursday, April 23 12:00 PM EST to 1:30 PM EST
Paul Hastings is proud to participate in a US FCPA and Global Anticorruption Update for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device webinar hosted by Global Health Care, LLC on April 23, 2020. Partner Gary Giampetruzzi, will moderate the FCPA Update Roundtable. Gary will join leaders from the life sciences industry as they identify a path towards finding the right balance during these challenging times and provide insight on the role of ethics and compliance officers in addressing critical topics, such as responsibility to patients and patient care, privacy considerations (HIPPA, GDPR), physician access and business impact on sales, and the importance of maintaining a flexible control environment and due diligence. This webinar presentation will also include comments on global ethics and compliance challenges in responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
For more information and to register for the conference, click here.