Tech Company GCs Reveal their Top-of-Mind Risk and Security Concerns
Thursday, November 18 2:00 PM EST to 3:00 PM EST
It might not seem a stretch to assume that the tech industry and companies with international supply chains would lead the pack in predicting cyber vulnerabilities. But by virtue of their industries, they sometimes find themselves frontline targets of the unexpected. Ever-evolving regulatory standards mean tech companies must evaluate their risks consistently, and institute proper controls and compliance to limit risk exposure.
Join this webcast to discover what in-house legal department leadership, C-suite officers and compliance officers’ primary concerns are and how prepared they are to address them. You will learn:
- Emerging trends impacting the technology sector.
- How tech companies are responding to risk management and mitigating risk around various issues (e.g., cybersecurity, intellectual property, trade secrets, data privacy and more).
- The latest trends and patterns surrounding enforcement actions by regulatory bodies and evolving geopolitical risks.
- Best practices and considerations for developing corporate strategy around data governance and compliances.
Elizabeth McBride - Vice President, Global Compliance and Litigation, Applied Materials
Felix Sterling - Chief Legal Officer & EVP Global Policy and Compliance, Trend Micro
Kwame J. Manley - Partner and Global Chair, Investigations and White Collar Defense, Paul Hastings
Elizabeth Brann - Partner, Litigation, Paul Hastings