Powerful Effects of the 2008 Elections on Executive Compensation and Employee Benefit Plans
Wednesday, December 17 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT
The combination of the financial crisis and the expansion of the Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate, along with the incoming Administration, is likely to result in an increased regulatory environment. Companies should be prepared for a sea of change to executive compensation, retirement plans, health insurance and worker protection laws.
Our legislative and global benefits lawyers are closely tracking all of these developments to best advise you about the prospect for various proposals to these key components of your businesses and how you can position your company to ride the wave of potential new laws and regulations.
Please join us for this complimentary 90-minute teleconference as we discuss the changes that are likely to take place and what employers can and should do now to prepare.
There will be time for Q&A following the teleconference.
For more information contact Kristi Sadler at 213-683-5857
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