Speaking Engagement
PLI's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and International Anti-Corruption Developments 2013
Thursday, May 02, 2013 - Friday, May 03, 2013
07:00 AM GMT - 07:00 AM GMT
Enforcement under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) continues as a critical priority for both the DOJ and the SEC. Recent FCPA enforcement actions and disclosures demonstrate that no industry is immune from FCPA scrutiny, and FCPA sweep investigations across industry sectors are becoming more common and challenging. Beyond the FCPA, an increasing number of countries, as well as international organizations, are ramping up anti-corruption enforcement and adding to the complexity of legal compliance. This program, taught by a faculty of leading practitioners and government regulators, will give you the background and tools you need to spot the issues early, develop workable risk management processes and implement effective compliance programs.
Paul Hastings partner Timothy Dickinson is a featured panelist on Day Two to discuss "World Bank and MDBs" at 1:00 pm. Discussion topics will include:
Role of the World Bank
Investigations and sanctions process
Voluntary disclosure program
Debarment and cross-debarment
Noteworthy sanctions cases
For additional information and to regisiter, visit the PLI site here.