
Speaking Engagement

PLI’s Basics of Accounting for Lawyers: What Every Practicing Lawyer Needs to Know 2017

Friday, June 02 11:00 AM CST to 12:00 PM CST


Follow the money.  Whether you’re about to start the due diligence process in an M&A deal or you’re investigating an accounting fraud, knowing key accounting concepts will help you in legal matters like these where accounting lies at the heart of the issue.  So when you’re poring over financial statements and "following the money," looking for that crucial piece of information for your transaction or investigation, knowing some basic accounting concepts can give you a broader understanding of those legal issues before you. 

Basics of Accounting for Lawyers features introductory accounting lessons designed for the non-accountant attorney, drawing from real-world examples of the legal and accounting crossroads that many lawyers in the audience have encountered or soon will.  Attendees will learn about various financial statements and how to decode them, including the balance sheet, statement of cash flows, income statement and notes to the financial statements.  The program will also include topics on accounting fraud, damages calculation, related regulatory trends and legal ethics, giving attendees a comprehensive look at common areas where accounting and law meet. 

What You Will Learn

  • The Accounting Cycle and Understanding Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)

  • How to review various financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows and financial statement notes

  • Spotting accounting fraud, learning damages calculation

  • Forensic Investigations and working with financial experts

  • Relevant regulatory trends and enforcement actions

  • Ethics for accountants and lawyers

June 2nd at 10:00amRegulatory and Enforcement Trends and Update

  • Current accounting-related regulatory enforcement actions

  • Review of major cases and legal developments in accounting-related regulation and enforcement

  • Additional regulatory or accounting issues that should be on your radar screen

_Speaker: Terra L. Reynolds

_Chicago Seminar LocationUniversity of Chicago Gleacher Center450 N. Cityfront Plaza DriveChicago, IL 60611