
Speaking Engagement

PLI's Annual Institute on Employment Law 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - Wednesday, October 26, 2011

04:00 AM GMT - 04:00 AM GMT

_PLI_s Annual Institute on Employment Law 2011 combines a comprehensive review of case law and regulatory developments, an in-depth analysis of emerging issues, and best practices to maximize employment law compliance, mitigate legal risk and achieve business objectives. The faculty is comprised of nationally recognized management and plaintiffs attorneys, in-house counsel, members of the judiciary, and government enforcement agency officials who will share their perspectives, insights and experiences.

Paul Hastings partners Zachary Fasman and Bradford Newman are featured speakers during this two-day event.

Day 1 - October 24, 2011Opening Remarks at 9:00 am by Zachary Fasman"The Year in Review" from 9:15 am to 10:45 am with Zachary Fasman will cover:• Discussion of the latest Supreme Court decisions, including the latest guidance re: class actions, cats paw and more• Analysis of current Federal court trends• Review of notable State court decisions• Government enforcement initiatives

Day 2 - October 25, 2011"Covenants Not to Compete: New Developments and Limitations" from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm with Bradford Newman will cover:• Planning and negotiating• Alternative modes of enforcement• Determining geographic and temporal constraints• Litigation strategy

For additional information and to register, visit the PLI website here.