
Speaking Engagement

PLI presents: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 2010 Seminar/Webcast

Thursday, May 20 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

The increased trend in Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement actions shows no signs of letting up in 2010.  2009 saw a record number of individual prosecutions, and more FCPA prosecutions overall than in any full year prior to 2007, (except 2008).  Currently, there are at least 120 companies under investigation.  The SEC announced the creation of a specialized Foreign Corrupt Practices Act unit to focus on new and proactive approaches to identifying [FCPA] violations and to take a more global approach to these violations.  Also increasing is the frequency of civil litigation and individual liability in the wake of FCPA enforcement actions.  And recent FCPA enforcement actions and disclosures demonstrate that no industry is immune from FCPA scrutiny.

Companies everywhere must make FCPA compliance and the creation of effective anticorruption programs a top priority.  This, the go-to one-day FCPA program, is taught by a faculty of leading practitioners and government regulators, will give you the background and tools you need to spot the issues early, develop workable risk management processes and implement effective compliance programs.

Paul Hastings partner Timothy Dickinson is a featured panelist on May 19th's "Enforcement Trends" discussion from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Topics discussed:

  • Effects of the SEC's new structure

  • Changes at the DOJ

  • The role of the FBI

  • The individual versus corporate target:  priorities and dynamics

  • Vulnerable and targeted industries

  • Theories of liability

  • International trends

For more information and to register, visit the PLI website.