

Pay Data Collection in California – Heightened Government Enforcement?

Wednesday, October 14 2:30 PM EDT to 3:30 PM EDT


California has decided to step in where the federal government stepped out. After the signing of SB 973, California will now require all employers with 100 or more employees to report certain pay data for their employees by race, ethnicity, and sex. The EEOC under President Obama had created a process to collect W-2 data associated with broad employee categories. The Trump Administration reversed course, recognizing such data, at best, would have limited utility. With the federal government ceding the space, California has now moved in, seeking to collect that same data from employers.

Join us as Paul Hastings continues its Future of Work series to discuss how this new California requirement will affect your workplace in the short term and in the future. During our webinar, we will discuss:

  • Pay equity overview: We will provide a brief overview of the existing legal landscape in the pay equity area.

  • The new pay data reporting requirement: We will discuss exactly what the government expects you to submit and when.

  • Behind-the-scenes legislative insights: We will be joined by Mike Belote, President of California Advocates, who will discuss his insights on what drove this legislation, and what the government intends to do with all the data they collect.

  • What happens next: We will discuss what employers should do to prepare.

Please join us for a 60-minute webinar discussion on Wednesday, October 14, at 10:30 am Pacific time.

Practice Areas

Employment Law


Image: Elena R. Baca
Elena R. Baca

Partner, Employment Law Department

Image: Felicia A. Davis
Felicia A. Davis

Partner, Employment Law Department