
Speaking Engagement

Patent Eligibility and FRAND: Recent Developments and the Impact of Agency Action

Wednesday, April 17 3:15 PM PDT to 4:00 PM PDT

Rosewood Sand Hill

2825 Sand Hill Rd

Menlo Park , USA

Few areas of patent litigation change more rapidly, and draw more attention, than patent eligibility and FRAND. Recently, change has been spurred by guidance and comments from the Patent Office and the Department of Justice. The panel will explore hot topics in the field of Section 101, standard-essential patents, and the impact of agency action on patent enforcement.

Moderator:Jared Bobrow, Partner, IP Co-Chair, Orrick

Panelists:Micah Block, Partner, Davis PolkFabio E. Marino, Chair of IP Litigation, Polsinelli LLPPhilip Ou, Partner, Paul Hastings LLPLeah Waterland, Director, Legal, IP Litigation, Cisco