
Speaking Engagement

LSI's 11th Annual Comprehensive Conference on Class Actions

Thursday, June 04 08:30 AM PDT to 5:30 PM PDT

_Strategies For Keeping Up With A Rapidly Changing Landscape

_June 4 & 5, 20151201 Third Avenue Building, 49th Floor in Seattle, WA -or-Anyplace you may be via webcast!

2014 was a memorable year for developments in class action law, with important appellate cases deciding on issues such as arbitration, Article III standing, CAFA, class certification, fraud-on-the-market, issue certification, mootness, and settlements. Lower courts continue to develop conflicting interpretations of the landmark decisions from the Supreme Court in recent cases such as American Express, Amgen, Clapper, Comcast, Concepcion, Dukes, Genesis Healthcare, Halliburton, Knowles, and Oxford Health Plans. While many of these Supreme Court opinions led some people to predict the demise of class actions, the volume of class action filings in both state and federal courts continues to be high with outcomes uncertain and mixed.

This program will address important legal developments in class action law.

Brad Newman, Paul Hastings partner and chair of the Employee Mobility and Trade Secret practice, will discuss "Cases at the Intersection of Class Actions and Employee Protection Regulations."

For additional information and to register, visit the LSI site here.