
Speaking Engagement

Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association (LAIPLA) Spring Seminar

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - Sunday, May 22, 2022

09:30 AM PDT - 2:00 PM PDT

Ritz-Carlton Bacara

Santa Barbara , California

Causation Pitfalls for Experts in Intellectual Property Matters
Damages experts in intellectual property litigation should only calculate damages actually caused by the alleged misappropriation or infringement. Our experienced panelists will discuss the obligations of experts to address causation, the common mistakes made by experts, and best practices for developing damages opinions that are reasonable and defensible. They will cover topics in copyright, patent and trade secrets matters.  Featuring  Jennifer Baldocchi of Paul Hastings, Joseph Paunovich of Quinn Emanuel, and Gary Olsen of B. Riley Advisory Services.