Litigation Counsel of America National Diversity Summit
Friday, November 13 06:00 AM GMT to 06:00 AM GMT
The Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) will be holding its first annual Diversity Summit in Atlanta this fall on Thursday, November 12th, 2009 at the Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta. For this one day event, the LCA will be inviting a variety of speakers and attendees to join a meaningful, informative and candid exploration of diversity and what it means in today's bar, society, and the future of diversity within law. Presentation topics will focus on various issues of diversity, including, but not limited to, race, national origin, religion, disability, gender, and sexual orientation.
The Summit is designed to combine LCA Fellows, law firm diversity committee members and corporate representatives in a collegial setting that encourages a meaningful exchange of cutting edge ideas and solutions relative to issues of diversity and inclusion.
Litigation partner and LCA Fellow K. Whitner will be representing the firm at this event, along with other members of the Paul Hastings Atlanta Diversity Ally Network.