

Litigating a Square Peg in a Round Hole: Defending Federal Agencies in Class Action Employment Discrimination Litigation in the EEOC Administrative Process

Wednesday, June 16 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

More often than ever before, federal agencies are facing litigation of complex employment discrimination class actions, often implicating thousands of employees or applicants. These cases have targeted the full range of employment terms, from hiring to assignments, compensation programs and promotions.

Class actions pose special issues in the federal EEO system, including in EEO counseling and litigation in front of Administrative Judges as well as before the EEOC Office of Federal Operations. A federal agency must be prepared to oppose class certification and try these high-stakes cases within this system before a case is filed in federal court.

This briefing is designed to provide federal agency attorneys an opportunity to learn from private attorneys and government attorneys who have litigated these cases at the administrative agency stage, and from labor economics experts who have testified in class action litigation.

Attendees will learn about standards applicable to class certification and to the merits of class action cases, and will hear tips on how to posture cases for opposition to class certification and how to try class actions to an Administrative Judge, including the types of expert testimony frequently encountered.

SPEAKERS• Y. Andrea Armstead, Deputy Assistant Chief Counsel,  Federal Aviation Agency• Mary Baker, PhD, ERS• Barbara L. Johnson, Partner, Paul Hastings• Kenneth M. Willner, Partner, Paul Hastings

DATETuesday, June 15, 2010

TIME8:00 am - 8:30 am  Rgistration and Continental Breakfast8:30 am - 12:00 pm  Pesentation with lunch provided post-briefing

LOCATIONPaul Hastings875 15th Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20005

ATTIREBusiness casual

CLE qualifications pending approval.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, June 9 to Kristi Sadler at kristisadler@paulhastings.com or 213-683-5857.