

Investment Adviser Regulatory Update

Thursday, May 30 8:00 PM GMT to 10:00 PM GMT

National Regulatory Services and the Investment Adviser Association present a webinar to provide you with a virtual, real-time briefing on regulatory reform and other recent and pending regulatory developments, the possible implications for your firm, and the new challenges and best practices that should be on your radar screen including:

  • Net Worth Standards for Accredited Investors

  • SEC Risk Alerts on Social Media and Unauthorized Trading

  • SEC Final Rule: Investment Adviser Performance Compensation

  • SEC Proposed Rule: Identity Theft Red Flags Rule

  • Examination Priorities

  • Lessons from recent SEC enforcement cases

  • Other significant regulatory developments

Paul Hastings partner Mitchell Nichter is a featured speaker for this program.

For additional information and to register, visit http://www.nrs-inc.com/Events-Calendar/Investment-Adviser-Regulatory-Update1/