
Speaking Engagement

Hedge Fund Start-ups: The Changing Environment in Operations, Technology and Capital-Raising

Thursday, May 21 3:30 PM PDT to 7:30 PM PDT

As an emerging hedge fund manager, you're preparing to enter a marketplace that has seen dramatic changes over the last five years. With increased regulatory oversight, greater due diligence demands, and new marketing opportunities, new launches are forced to evaluate traditional deployment strategies and consider the most effective ways to achieve success in an increasingly competitive marketplace. This program will address new expectations for start-up investment firms and the essentials for hedge fund launch success.

Paul Hastings partner Art Zwickel is a featured speaker for this program.

This program is designed to appeal to general partners, chief financial officers, chief operations officers, chief compliance officers, chief technology officers, portfolio managers, IT managers of hedge funds, and alternative investment firms.

The seminar will conclude with a networking reception. Visit the KMPG Emerging Hedge Fund Managers Meeting website for event details and registration information.

Practice Areas


Global Finance

Financial Services


Image: Arthur L. Zwickel
Arthur L. Zwickel

Partner, Corporate Department

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