
Speaking Engagement

Colloquium on Suspension and Debarment

Wednesday, October 10 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

On Tuesday, October 9th, the World Bank will host a Colloquium on Suspension and Debarment, a tool used to "blacklist" non-responsible, corrupt or otherwise unqualified contractors. The event is open to the public (with registration) and will be held at the World Bank Preston Auditorium, 1818 H Street NW, Washington D.C. 20433.

Paul Hastings partner Tim Dickiinson is a featured panelist at 11:05 pm to discuss "Multilateral Development Bank Suspension and Debarment System."

The event is free but all participants must be registered in order to enter the premises. RSVP to OESrsvp@worldbank.org. Valid photo ID is required. For assistance, please call 202-458-1944.