
Speaking Engagement

Anti-Corruption Compliance in China

Thursday, August 14, 2014 - Friday, August 15, 2014

07:00 AM GMT - 07:00 AM GMT

Law Seminars International Presents: A Two-Day Comprehensive Conference on Anti-Corruption Compliance in China

August 14-15, 2014Fourth & Madison Building in Seattle, WA

China represents an increasingly important market for distribution and sale of international companies' products and services. China also looms large as a jurisdiction where companies can run aground on the shoals of anti-corruption compliance, be it the US FCPA or as witnessed in 2013, with China's enforcement action against GlaxoSmithKline, PRC anti-bribery rules. Effectively dealing with anti-corruption compliance and enforcement in a China context requires the marshalling of a range of resources and tools -- legal, accounting, government relations, human resources, and employment.

This innovative conference will draw on the expertise and insights of both external and internal advisors to aid you in understanding critical, and at times, competing considerations that drive the handling of compliance in China, so as to equip you to lessen risk, and respond appropriately when potential pitfalls threaten to ensnare your company.

Visit the LSI site to learn more about the agenda: Nathaniel Edmonds and Ananda Martin of Paul Hastings are featured panelists for this program.

Practice Areas

Anti-Corruption and FCPA
