
Paul Hastings IP Practice Recognized by Chambers USA 2022

June 01, 2022

Chambers USA 2022: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business recognized the firm’s Intellectual Property Practice with 5 practice area and 14 individual rankings in its annual guide covering leading lawyers and law firms in the United States.

The rankings, listed below, reflect the depth and breadth of Paul Hastings’ IP Practice and its professionals, which range across multiple specialties and locations.

Chambers USA 2022 IP Practice Rankings
Intellectual Property – Nationwide

Intellectual Property: Patent Litigation – California

Intellectual Property: Litigation – District of Columbia

Intellectual Property: Patent Prosecution – District of Columbia

Intellectual Property: Patent – New York

Chambers USA 2022 IP Individual Rankings

Bruce Wexler, Global Practice Co-Chair (Nationwide, Intellectual Property; New York, Intellectual Property: Patent)

Naveen Modi, Global Practice Co-Chair (District of Columbia, Intellectual Property: Patent Prosecution; District of Columbia, Intellectual Property: Litigation)

Eric Dittmann, Global Practice Vice Chair (New York, Intellectual Property: Patent)

Victoria Cundiff, Partner (New York, Intellectual Property: Trade Mark, Copyright, & Trade Secrets)

Matthias Kamber, Partner (California, Intellectual Property Litigation: Patent)

Preston Ratliff, Partner (New York, Intellectual Property: Patent)

Kecia Reynolds, Partner (Nationwide, International Trade: Intellectual Property (Section 337))

Melanie Rupert, Partner (New York, Intellectual Property: Patent)

Allan Soobert, Partner (District of Columbia, Intellectual Property: Litigation)

Robert Unikel, Partner (Illinois, Intellectual Property: Patent)