
Speaking Engagement

PLI's White Collar Crime 2011: Prosecutors and Regulators Speak

Tuesday, October 04 04:00 AM BST to 04:00 AM BST

In the past year prosecutors and the SEC have ratcheted up their aggressive prosecution of white collar violations.  Making increasing use of novel investigative techniques such as wiretaps and undercover investigations, the government has commenced a wave of high-profile insider trading cases, continued its concentration on enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and ramped up enforcement in a variety of other substantive areas.  Among the forces driving the enforcement landscape have been the reorganization of the SECs Department of Enforcement and its new guidelines designed to encourage cooperation by individuals.  The DOJ and key state and local prosecutors continue to devote substantial resources to white-collar prosecutions.

PLI offers this unique program to provide the background and tools necessary to spot the current issues in defending white collar cases and civil enforcement actions, develop workable risk management processes and implement effective defense strategies.  Hear directly from current and former high level officials from the U.S. Attorneys Offices in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, the SEC, the Justice Department, the Manhattan District Attorneys Office, the judiciary, and leading defense practitioners, about the current and future priorities for the government and their practical implications for your company or clients.

Paul Hastings partner Timothy Dickinson is a featured speaker on the "Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" panel from 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm. Discussion topics will include:

• FCPA judicial decisions• Industry focused investigations• Assessing corporate compliance programs• Impact of the United Kingdoms Bribery Act• When companies should consider voluntary disclosures• New and aggressive theories of enforcement and prosecution• Increasingly global programmatic focus on FCPA enforcement• Review of recent FCPA cases against companies and individuals• Organized crime law enforcement techniques in FCPA enforcement

For more information and to register, visit the PLI website here.

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