Chloé Berthier is an associate in the Investigations and White Collar Defense practice and is based in the Paris office.
She specializes in all areas of white-collar criminal defense, both in advisory and litigation proceedings. She also handles compliance, ethics, and internal investigations, as well as international litigation for the World Bank.
Chloé is also developing a general criminal law practice and is registered on the Paris Bar's emergency criminal defense lists.
Prior to joining Paul Hastings, Chloé practiced with Antonin Lévy & Associés. During her training, she worked at the 11th and 32nd Correctional Chambers of the Paris Judicial Court, specializing in economic and financial crime, as well as several leading business criminal law firms
- Sciences Po Paris, Ecole de Droit, Master 2 Contentieux Economique et Arbitrage, 2020
- Northwestern University (Illinois, United States), 2017
- Sciences Po Paris, Bachelor en Sciences humaines et sociales, 2017
- Université Paris IV Sorbonne, Licence de Lettres Modernes, 2017
- Registered on the emergency criminal defense lists