
Attorney Authored

What to do When the Government Knocks on Your Companys Door

May 06, 2009

Kirby D. Behre, E. Lawrence Barcella, Kenneth M. Breen, Douglas I. Koff, Keith W. Miller, James D. Wareham and Thomas A. Zaccaro

Employers today face ever-increasing intrusions into their businesses by federal, state, and local regulators, investigators, auditors, and law enforcement officials (government agents). Interaction with these government agents can most effectively be controlled by employers when the contact is expected and the employers response prepared. However, when government agents make unexpected contact with a company, the employer and its employees are more vulnerable, since unexpected encounters can lead to unprepared and inappropriate personnel making statements on behalf of the company that may result in misunderstandings between the company and the government agent, greater government involvement and greater disruption of a companys business.

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